Saturday, November 29, 2008

Nonviolent Action in the Middle East

On Tuesday evening (Dec. 2nd), Vanderbilt Students for Nonviolence, Jewish Studies, and The Office of Religious Life will be hosting both James Lawson and Rabbi Everett Gendler. Both are well known practitioners of nonviolence in the Civil Rights Movement and have been a well needed voice for nonviolent resistance for social change. Rabbi Gendler was influential in Georgia, Selma, and Montgomery and has recently been involved in community organizing for Tibetan exiles as well as initiating the Active Nonviolence Education Center in Dharmasala, India. He and Lawson will be discussing the possibility of nonviolent action within the Middle East, examining the social structures, history, and repetitive violence desolating the families and land. If you are in the Nashville area on Tuesday evening, head over to Wilson Hall (Room 126). It should be an edifying experience.


Julia said...

Eric - You MUST take lots of good notes for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joy said...

And how was it? Will you be posting a follow up?